I heard a song on the radio
Sounded like it was made by computer
I declare
The music filled the air
It was coming out of the speakers
On the beach and in all the parks where
People play
It happened every day
That's the thing about computer noise
It takes the place of all the simple joys
Of music
I was talking to a friend of mine
Said he bought a copy of the song
A computer wrote
And listened to every note
Told me how he couldn't believe that
There were no humans involved with it
"It's the best in centuries!
Set aside all that human noise
There is nothing for these girls and boys
In that music!"
I was sitting on a park bench
Trying just to mind my own business
The sound came over me
There were two people with a Walkman
Turned up so loud that I couldn't help
Hearing it
Then all the pieces fit
They don't care about technology
Just as long as they can move their feet
To the music